• I haven’t had any time to dig into #WWDC outcomes but hopefully I will be able to tonight. I did see the headset will probably be a 2.0 purchase for me. Also looks like the Studio got updated so…. adding it to my purchase list for the summer.

  • Spending the morning playing with FormWise.AI and then heading downtown with my wife to check out the Pride Events going on. I really need to be working on closing out my HTML/CSS/JS class for this semester, but I still haven’t recovered after failing the exam.

  • Any suggestions on how to come back from complete utter burnout? I have nothing left in the tank to just power through.

  • After seeing The Verge’s review of the Walmart Onn 4k branded ChromeTV for $20 I had to get one to try out.

    For $20 this little streaming box (oyster) flies. I didn’t experience any lag. The longest part of setup was it installing apps after the updates were done.. I’ve never used the branded chrome cast before but if it’s the same or better than this one it’s a beast. Switching menus was seamless no stuttering like Amazons FireTV and not ad central like Amazon also.

    The AppleTV is still king in my house but I definitely picked up another Onn 4k Chromecast for the other TV that had FireTV built in.

  • I finally forced myself out of the recliner and went to replace my parents ceiling fan. Seems like home projects are never easy. After an hour of trying to hold a heavy motor in one hand and twist wires and cap them off with the other I finally got it. Then I packed everything else up neatly and I’ll go back tomorrow to finish installing the rest of the fan. Having to stand on a bed while also looking up isn’t fun at all.

    But I’ll get it done for them.

  • Stayed up until 4a and then slept until 11a so it’s probably needless to say that my day has been slow moving so far. I’ve got a thousand things I want to do… 20 things I need to do… and the drive to do zero.

    My day so far has consisted of washing one load of clothes… and utilizing the Pigment app on my iPad.

    I gotta get some momentum built up.

  • Trying to get in some hotdogs before the rain comes.

    Grilling out

  • I found myself going down the rabbit hole on YouTube of watching videos on how to create passive income.

    I know I know.

    I can dream though. I just want to bring in 200k a year passively so I can play Xbox, record podcasts, build hackaday projects and custom keyboards. The 9 to 5 is getting in the way.

  • Seems like everyone is jetting out of the office before noon since it’s a holiday weekend. Meanwhile, I’m just here plugging away at mundane tasks. Today would be a good day to replace the wax seals on the toilets at home, paint the spot on the wall that I filled and sanded this time last year, and drain the hot water heater.

    Though I know if I leave now and make the hour commute when I get home I will probably collapse into my recliner and finish binging New Amsterdam on Netflix. Great show by the way.

  • I’ve never been one to put a lot of stock into horoscopes but this really did cover a conversation I had today.

  • Being able to feed ChatGPT a nuanced document and have it explain the doc to me like I’m five is worth way more than $20 a month.

  • I’ve flip flopped through Excel, Smartsheets, and AirTable for my managing my workflows and I’m currently using Notion. Notion seems to be the one but I really need to spend some time in it to maximize my use of it.

    I see the dashboards and trackers people have created and they look awesome but I need to come up with a flow that my ADHD brain won’t throw out in 6-8 weeks.

  • While listening to the latest episode of Ratchet & Respectable81” Demetria L. Lucas piqued my interest.

    In talking about the new “The Color Purple” she mentioned that the original didn’t win any of the categories it was nominated for so being curious I looked to see who won that year. Turns out “Out of Africa” won best picture… I vaguely remember the movie existing but by the ratings for it you can definitely tell it wasn’t deserving.

  • Max(ed) Out

    Apparently CloudFlare is putting in work this morning with the Max launch.

    403 error when trying to connect through a provider.

  • Succession of boredom

    Watching this latest episode of Succession really shows the dynamics of family life around funerals and life after… just magnified with $$$. I don’t know why but it seems since “that” episode the season has suddenly become extremely boring in comparison to previous seasons. One more episode to go.

  • Random Watches

    After watching a few thought-provoking shorts on Netflix last night I fell asleep watching Airport (1970). Started it back today, and now I think I’ll go down the Airport list of movies.

  • Storage Digging

    For some reason, every time I go to my storage unit, I always leave a little bit of blood behind. Either way, I found my old DS1224 Sampler that I wasn’t looking for. 2830D143-E9B7-4B6A-91CB-E0AF15862551.jpg